

Amy is the founder of Nutrition In a Nutshell, LLC. For many years as an avocation, she studied how the field of natural health and healing has taken shape over the last century. Currently, she is working toward a Master of Science in Health and Nutrition Education at Hawthorn University in California.

Collaborating with her network of naturopathic doctors, integrative and functional medicine professionals, and Weston A. Price chapter leaders, Amy is designing educational materials on how people can easily customize a traditional diet of organic natural foods for themselves and their families. She encourages regenerative farming practices and has at various times throughout her life worked as a farmhand on family farms located in Kansas, Maine, Ohio, Scandinavia, Washington, and West Virginia. Following three decades of working as a professional ecologist, conservation planner, and trainer, she is applying her knowledge and skills from this experience to nutrition education, including resources offered on this website.