Nature’s Hearth General Store 


Sustainable Living Products

In our Nature’s Hearth General Store, you will find a variety of products that support you in living a sustainable lifestyle. Each individual product will take you to the merchant’s website with many similar choices.

Natural Foods

A variety of organic natural foods are featured here and can be the principal ingredients or ready-made, traditionally-prepared dishes for meal planning throughout the year. These foods were foundational to the traditional diets of all the highly immune indigenous groups Weston A. Price, D.D.S. studied throughout the world and included both whole animal and whole plant foods.

Nourishing Kitchen

The kitchen appliances in this department include eco-cookware, food processors, and the notable Kraut Pounder from Eugene, Oregon Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Many of these products reflect recommendations made by Sally Fallon-Morell in her book, Nourishing Traditions.


Nutrition Supplements

Nutrition supplements can address nutritional deficiencies, nourish different systems of the body, and facilitate cleansing and healing processes. The products here are food grade, supporting overall nutrition and vitality.

While food-grade supplements are generally considered safe, everyone responds to herbal and mushroom supplements differently; there is always the potential for adverse reaction. Be sure to check with your herbalist or health care practitioner regarding what supplements are best for you, especially if you take prescription medicines.

Organic Garden

Growing and harvesting your own organic natural foods is a wonderful endeavor, nurturing yourself and the ecosystems on the landscape. In this department, you will find native seeds, garden tools, and innovative ideas to design gardens indoors and outdoors.


Eco Home

Surround yourself with a variety of eco-friendly home furnishings. In this department, you can find environmentally sound and artisan-made products designed for exploring and building upon a sustainable lifestyle.

Outdoor Living

Outdoor living may include enjoying time on the deck of your home, taking walks in nature, hiking, camping, or bicycling across the ecoregions of the world. Here you can find products to enhance your experience outside and make it more comfortable and fun.