Removing Toxins with Activated Charcoal
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Removing Toxins with Activated Charcoal
Naturally activated charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue made from burned coconut husks, bamboo, peat, or other organic matter. At high temperatures, the gases expand in the charcoal making it very porous. When ingested, the porous charcoal adsorbs toxins and facilitates the body in eliminating them. In this way, activated charcoal has helped people recover from drug overdose. Research scientists in the Division of Emergency Medicine/Clinical Toxicology, Regional Poison Center, and Medical Intensive Care Unit at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of California Davis Medical Center Sacramento published an article in the Western Journal of Medicine where they stated, “Activated charcoal may be the single most effective treatment in many types of poisoning.” They conclude the article recommending that activated charcoal be the cornerstone therapy for poisoned patients (Derlet & Albertson, 1986, pp. 493; 496).
Dr. Josh Axe, D.C., co-founder of Ancient Nutrition, wrote an article, Top 10 Activated Charcoal Uses, Plus Potential Side Effects, explaining how activated charcoal has been used successfully to improve the pH balance in the mouth and reduce cavities, bad breath, and gum disease. He outlines how it has been used to help eliminate mold, pesticides, and mercury from the body. Dr. Axe cautions that if too much is consumed, activated charcoal can cause dehydration and constipation, in some cases even blocking the intestinal tract (Axe, 2019). Activated charcoal may interfere with the absorption of nutrients and prescription medicine. Thus, it should only be used on a temporary basis and after consulting with an experienced natural health professional., a highly regarded family-owned natural foods company, makes an activated charcoal product from coconut husks called “Intestinal Drawing Formula.” They describe it as a powerful adsorbent (binder) with the following complementary ingredients, “Mucilaginous, water-soluble fiber from slippery elm, nopal cactus, marshmallow root, flax seeds, and kelp have an extremely soothing effect on the intestinal walls and mucosa.” More details can be found on their website for this product: product.
Axe, Josh. (2019). Top 10 activated charcoal uses, plus potential side effects. Retrieved September 15, 2023 from: Derlet, R. W., Albertson, T. E. (1986). Activated charcoal--past, present and future. Western Journal of Medicine. 145(4):493 – 496. Retrieved September 15, 2023, from:
Amy Wing, Holistic Health Educator,
Nature’s Hearth
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