Gently Breaking Your Overnight Fast

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Making Meals with Traditional Foods
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Gently breaking your overnight fast
Waking up in the morning without having eaten since the last meal you had the day before, including hours asleep, can be 12 to 14 hours or more. During this time of having no food coming in, your body has a chance to rejuvenate. With the digestive system well-rested when you rise with the sun in the morning, this is a great time to cleanse and refresh for the new day!

Ideas include drinking:
  • Filtered water
  • Herb tea, such as Tonic Herb Shop’s Digestive Harmony Tea, at the bottom of this page
  • Gelatin-rich bone broth
  • Freshly juiced non-starch vegetables, such as celery, leafy greens, and herbs
  • Beet kvass (fermented beet juice), recipe in Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon, Founder and President, Weston A. Price Foundation, page 610. Nourished Kitchen’s Best Kvass Recipe and Wild and Raw Lacto Ferments beverage, at top of this page (the enzymes and probiotics in this ferment convert the beet sugars into healthful lactic acid)

Herb teas, bone broth, raw and fermented non-starch vegetable juices are renewing. They deliver readily available nutrients to the body without initiating peristalsis (the muscle movements that carry food through the alimentary canal). This allows the digestive system to restore after expending lots of energy digesting food. On an empty stomach, drinking clean filtered water and liquids, such as those listed above, hydrates and helps the excretory system, including the skin, lungs, large intestine, kidneys, and liver, neutralize and flush out toxins. These benefits can be a liberating and nourishing way to start your day.

Amy Wing, Holistic Health Educator,
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Making Meals with Traditional Foods