Making Meals with Traditional Foods

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Making Meals with Traditional Foods
Adhering to the Principles of Holistic Health and WAPF Dietary Guidelines

Making Meals with Traditional Foods
At Nature’s Hearth, we organize meal planning around the traditional food groups, below:

• Whole animal protein fat – meat (especially the organs), seafood (including fish & fish eggs), and land or waterfowl eggs – cooked in butter/ghee/tallow with herbs & sea salt

• Gelatin-rich animal bone/cartilage broth added in varying amounts to cooked meals

• Raw cod liver oil (at least 10,000 IU vitamin A and 1,000 IU vitamin D)

• Raw salad of leafy greens, vegetables, & dressing with cold-pressed olive oil (maybe a little flax or sesame oil), lemon/lime juice, raw apple cider vinegar, herbs, & sea salt

• Raw lacto-fermented vegetables – eaten as a side dish or added to a salad

• Vegetables & leafy greens cooked in butter/ghee/tallow, herbs, & sea salt – eaten on the side or added to a whole animal protein fat dish or cooled and added to a raw salad

• Raw yogurt, kefir, cheese, & cream eaten as a side dish or added to other dishes

• Soaked (& rinsed), sprouted, fermented seeds & nuts (as a side or in a salad), grains & legumes (cooked with vegetables, butter/ghee/tallow, herbs, & sea salt).

• Raw fruits (simple carbohydrates) eaten alone for optimal digestion & health benefits

Meals prepared with traditional foods check all the boxes, below!

WAPF – Common Characteristics of Traditional Diets (Weston A. Price Foundation)

✔ No refined, denatured, or industrially processed foods

✔ Whole animal protein fat from the sea & land, including seafood, organ & muscle meat, gelatin-rich bone broth, cod liver oil, eggs, raw & fermented milk, cream, butter, cheese, yogurt, kefir

✔ Lacto-fermented foods

✔ Vegetables (including leafy greens, herbs) & fruits

✔ Soaked, sprouted, & fermented seeds, nuts, grains, legumes

✔ Sea salt

Holistic Health Benefits

✔ Enzyme-rich – raw & fermented foods

✔ Probiotic – fermented foods (especially fermented raw)

✔ Nutrient-dense – fish roe, organ meat, eggs, gelatin-rich bone broth

✔ Fiber-filled – vegetables & fruits, especially raw

✔ Easily-digested – gelatin-rich bone broth; foods combined for optimal digestion

✔ pH balanced – animal protein fat - acid-forming; vegetables - alkaline-forming

✔ Hydrating– gelatin-rich bone broth, vegetables, fruits

✔ Cleansing – vegetables (including leafy greens, herbs) & fruits

✔ Healing – gelatin-rich bone broth, raw & fermented milk products, herbal remedies

✔ Strengthening – animal protein fat, including seafood, organ meat, eggs

✔ Colorful phytonutrients – vegetables & fruits

Enjoy your traditional homemade meals

• Sit in a calm setting. When your body is at rest, your parasympathetic nervous system facilitates digestion and maintains a restorative state.

• Eat lowly and chew your food thoroughly, experiencing the complex aromas and tastes. This will generate saliva and facilitate the digestive process that nourishes you.

Amy Wing, Holistic Health Educator,
Nature’s Hearth Website: Email:
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