Caloric Restriction Extends Life Spans
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The Tarkine Forest with long-lived Huon pine trees endemic to Tasmania is Australia's largest temperate rainforest and the second-largest in the world, home to the aboriginal Tarkiner people for 40,000 years.
Caloric Restriction (CR) has been found to extend the life spans of organisms of diverse phylogenetic groups (Sohall & Forster, 2014). On February 10, 2022, in Yale News, Mallory Locklear, Senior Science Writer at Yale University, announced a cutting-edge study titled, “Calorie Restriction Trial Reveals Key Factors in Enhancing Human Health.” She states that “Decades of research has shown that limits on calorie intake by flies, worms, and mice can enhance life span in laboratory conditions . . . Now a new study led by Yale researchers confirms the health benefits of moderate CR in humans . . .” Locklear described the research as the first controlled study of CR in healthy humans, referred to as the Comprehensive Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE) clinical trial. The researchers established baseline calorie intake among more than 200 study participants then asked “a share of those participants to reduce their calorie intake by 14% while the rest continued to eat as usual, and analyzed the long-term health effects of calorie restriction over the next two years” (Locklear, 2022).
The study revealed that the thymus glands of the participants with limited calorie intake had greater functional volume and T cell production after two years than they did at the start of the study. The participants who weren’t restricting their calories had no change. Notably, the thymus generally ages faster than other organs. Vishwa Deep Dixit, D.V.M., PhD., and Director of the Yale Center for Research on Aging, stated, “The fact that this organ can be rejuvenated is, in my view, stunning because there is very little evidence of that happening in humans . . . That this is even possible is very exciting” (Locklear, 2022).
Locklear, M. (2022). Calorie restriction trial reveals key factors in enhancing human health. Yale News. Retrieved from:
Sohal1, R. S., Forster, M. J. (2014). Caloric Restriction and the aging process: a critique. Journal of Free Radical Biology and Medicine. Retrieved from:,the%20leading%20paradigms%20in%20gerontology.
Amy Wing, Holistic Health Educator,
Nature’s Hearth
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